The Personal Experience of Custom Designed SIlver and Gold Jewelry

One of Pam Older Designs specialities is the ability to create extraordinary custom jewelry with your vision. Pam works on an individual basis with each client to create bespoke jewelry to suit every taste.
Custom jewelry is usually more expensive for many reasons. First is the time spent with a customer getting the design right, followed by the actual cad drawings for production. Additional charges might include stones and findings,casting,stone setting, and special finishing. Below, Pam Older explains the process of creating custom pieces, and why she enjoys the experience.
Q:What type of custom work do you most commonly do?
A: “Most of my design work involves working with semi-precious and precious stones. I have been doing many rings and pendants this year. Each job has been very different, from simple hammered wedding bands to engagement band rings and statement rings. Personalized engraved pendants and diamond bracelets.”
Q:Is custom work more challenging than creating your own designs?
A: “Yes, I think so. With my own designs I am basically pleasing myself. After making things for 15 years I have a keen sense of what works and what people will respond to and buy. I test ride the product first- I want to make sure it falls nicely and looks the way I envisioned it."
When I make jewelry for someone else I must incorporate their wishes into my design. They might like certain color combinations or a stone shape. My job is to make it pretty! A perfect result is when the customer loves the finished product- but you can still see my design aesthetic in the piece. The challenge is making the elements work as part of a cohesive design.”
Q: What are some of the craziest custom designs requests you’ve ever received?
A: “Well I would NEVER say crazy because every customers want a personal idea translated into a piece of jewelry. The ideas may sound unusual but with good design principles you can have great success. I made a memorial bracelet for a man with a stone made from cremation ashes. We set the stone in a bezel on a stainless steel rectangle and made a leather band for it. The bracelet was very handsome and no one could tell it was a memorial stone. We have also taken gold hearts and funneled a favorite pets’ ashes into the hollow, closed it up and made beautiful charm pendants.”
Q: What is your favorite part of the custom design process?
A: “The colored stones and diamonds I work with are the jumping point for most of my work. I love that part of the creative process especially working with color. I like to use different metals and mix them too. I enjoy the challenge coming up with a gorgeous design. I usually suggest things a customer hadn't thought of and that excites them!
But my very favorite time is presenting the finished piece to the customer!"
Do you have an idea in mind and want to schedule a custom piece consultation with Pam Older Designs? Visit her at her store in Newburyport, call 914-450-6251 or look online at